I'm an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University.
Within the scope of quantum computing, my research interests include system architecture, optimized compilation,
context-aware error mitigation, distributed systems, high-dimensional / qudit processing, device characterization, and circuit simulation.
Managed the software engineering team responsible for maintaining Superstaq, a physics-aware quantum compiler. Directed R&D efforts for Superstaq, including techniques implementing dynamical decoupling and low-level operator optimization, that substantially improved quantum program success. Pioneered novel quantum circuit simulation techniques that led to more efficient evaluation on classical hardware.
Conducted research within the Enabling Practical-scale Quantum Computation (EPiQC) group of the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE). Within the focus of quantum computing, work focused on technology-aware programming, computer architecture, distributed computing, high-dimensional processing, and security.
Developed quantum logic synthesis and compilation algorithms with an emphasis on technology-dependent mapping and optimization. Researched multiple-valued logic and photonic quantum information processing techniques.
Studied various topics relating to cybersecurity. Led projects with machine learning and neural networks as well as algorithm development in MATLAB, Python, and C++.
Hosted by the Integrated Systems Laboratory at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland with the support of a Swiss National Science Foundation scientific exchange grant. Researched methods for technology-dependent optimization in quantum compilation.
Collaborated with product, application, and test engineers to process customer specifications and returns. Became familiar with a wide range of audio and imaging technologies and products to support device customers.
Contributed to projects that ensured quality silicon fabrication and reduced wafer scrap. Developed golden MEBES files for a technology platform with an analog PDK development team.
Led curriculum development and in-class instruction for inaugural course, Introduction to Quantum Computing for Everyone. Adapted course material for delivery as a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on edX.org
Organized lecture material and assignments for the University of Chicago Office of Special Programs (OSP) course Demystifying Quantum Computing. TA responsibilities included tutoring students and providing administrative and technical support during lecture.
Taught courses CS 3381: Digital Logic Design and ECE 2381: Digital Computer Logic to undergraduate students. These courses detail the history of logic and its applications to digital switching circuitry with an emphasis on hardware description languages. Responsiblilities of an adjunct lecturer included organizing lecture material, labs, assignments, and exams.
Directed lab and graded assignments for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in ECE 3311: Solid State Devices. Responsibilities of a TA included teaching diffusion, lithography, chemical etch, and metallization techniques in class 10,000 and class 1,000 clean rooms.
Tutored undergraduate students in calculus, physics, programming, and introductory engineering courses. Coached students in time management as well as in methods to improve study and test skills.